愛情的開始, 是因為....
love begins with that....
1. .... 他有特別的優點與強項.
.... he is obviously superior in something.
2. .... 他會逗人開心.
.... he teases you.
3. .... 他有錢.
.... he is rich.
4. .... 他很帥.
.... he is handsome.
5. .... 沒啥別的原因, 就是有緣.
.... he is close to you somehow just because of destiny.
至於他是否真誠、付出, 反而沒那麼重要, 而你們的興趣和個性, 其實也只是會影響愛情的持續性, 並不是最初是否能蹦出愛的火花的關鍵.
It's not really very important whether he is sincerely or not, and, his interests and personality, matter in lasting your love, not in starting your love.
Is this correct, girls ?
微風於2008/03/03 19:07 回應
我選5,沒有緣份 在六十億人中妳怎麼只愛上她?